Home / Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Journey: What You Need to Know

Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Journey: What You Need to Know

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Before-and-after weight loss image of Gabriel Iglesias

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss journey is not only inspiring but also informative.

Gabriel Iglesias, also known as Fluffy, is one of the most popular comedians in the world. He is known for his hilarious jokes, his animated voice, and his signature Hawaiian shirts. But he is also known for his remarkable weight loss journey that has inspired millions of fans.

Celebrity weight loss stories can be a great source of motivation and encouragement for those who want to improve their health and fitness. They can show us that anyone can achieve their goals with dedication, discipline, and perseverance. They can also teach us valuable lessons on how to overcome challenges and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Gabriel Iglesias’s weight loss journey and what you need to know about it. We will cover:

– What diet plan and workout routine he followed

– How he transformed his body and lost over 100 pounds

– What motivated him to start his weight loss journey

– How he overcame obstacles and setbacks along the way

– What health benefits and transformations he experienced as a result

Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Transformation

Gabriel Iglesias was always overweight, but his weight reached a dangerous level in 2014. He weighed 445 pounds and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His doctor told him that he had two years to live if he did not change his lifestyle.

Initiation of the Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Journey

What his Doctor told him was the turning point that motivated him to start his weight loss journey. He realized that he had to take care of himself and his health, not only for himself but also for his family and fans. He decided to make some drastic changes in his diet and exercise habits.

He started by cutting out sugar, alcohol, bread, and tortillas from his diet. He also reduced his portion sizes and ate more lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. He followed a low-carb, high-protein diet that helped him control his blood sugar levels and curb his appetite.

He also began to exercise regularly, with the help of a personal trainer. He started with walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day, then gradually increased the intensity and duration of his workouts. He incorporated cardio, strength training, and boxing into his routine. He worked out six days a week, for an hour each session.

The Remarkable Transformation

The results were remarkable. He lost over 100 pounds in less than a year, dropping from 445 pounds to 340 pounds. He continued to lose weight until he reached his goal of 250 pounds in 2017. He transformed his body and improved his health significantly.

He shared his before-and-after photos on social media, where he received an overwhelming amount of support and praise from his fans. He also talked about his weight loss journey in various interviews and shows, where he inspired others with his story.

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The Motivation Behind the Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss

Gabriel Iglesias had several reasons why he decided to lose weight.

Love for his family

One of them was his love for his family, especially his son Frankie. He wanted to be around for him and see him grow up. He also wanted to be a good role model for him and teach him healthy habits.

Passion for comedy

Another reason was his passion for comedy. He loved making people laugh and bringing joy to their lives. He did not want to let down his fans or miss out on any opportunities because of his health issues. He wanted to continue doing what he loved for as long as possible.

His own well-being

A third reason was his own well-being. He wanted to feel better about himself and have more energy and confidence. He wanted to enjoy life more and do things that he could not do before because of his weight. He wanted to live longer and happier.

He expressed his motivation in several quotes and interviews, such as:

– “I don’t want to die. I want to live.”

– “I want to be here for my son.”

– “I want to be able to do things without having to worry about anything.”

– “I want to be able to fit in a roller coaster seat.”

– “I want to look good naked.”

The Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Diet Plan

Gabriel Iglesias followed a simple but effective diet plan that helped him lose weight and manage his diabetes. His diet plan consisted of:

– Eating low-carb, high-protein foods that kept him full and satisfied

– Avoiding sugar, alcohol, bread, and tortillas that spiked his blood sugar levels

– Eating smaller portions and limiting his calorie intake

– Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated

– Eating breakfast every day and not skipping meals

– Snacking on healthy foods like nuts, cheese, or fruit

– Eating more vegetables and salads

– Cooking at home more often and eating out less

– Using spices and herbs instead of sauces and dressings

– Treating himself occasionally with moderation

He did not follow any specific diet or nutritional approach but rather made sensible choices that suited his preferences and lifestyle. He did not deprive himself of his favorite foods but rather enjoyed them in moderation and balance. He also learned to listen to his body and eat when he was hungry and stop when he was full.

He also used a meal planning app that helped him track his calories and macros. He set a daily goal of 2,000 calories, with 40% protein, 40% fat, and 20% carbs. He logged everything he ate and drank and monitored his progress.

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The Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Journey Workout Routine

Gabriel Iglesias adopted a regular exercise regimen that helped him burn calories and build muscle. His workout routine consisted of:

– Walking on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day, then increasing the speed and incline as he got fitter

– Doing cardio exercises like cycling, swimming, or rowing for 30 minutes a day, three times a week

– Strength training exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, or dumbbell curls for 30 minutes a day, three times a week

– Doing boxing exercises like punching, kicking, or sparring for 30 minutes a day, twice a week

– Stretching before and after each workout to prevent injuries and improve flexibility

– Resting one day a week to allow his body to recover

He worked out with a personal trainer who guided him and motivated him. He also joined a gym where he met other people who shared his goals and supported him. He also used a fitness tracker that helped him measure his steps, heart rate, calories burned, and distance covered.

He made exercise a part of his daily routine and enjoyed it. He found it fun and rewarding to see his progress and improvement. He also found it relaxing and therapeutic to release stress and tension. He also incorporated physical activity into his everyday life, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking farther away from the entrance, or walking his dogs.

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Overcoming Challenges

Losing weight is not easy for anyone, but it was especially hard for Gabriel Iglesias. He had to overcome many obstacles and setbacks along the way, such as his busy schedule, his food addiction, and his emotional issues. He also had to deal with the pressure and criticism from some of his fans, who didn’t want him to lose weight or change his image.

But Gabriel Iglesias didn’t give up. He stayed motivated and pushed through the challenges with the help of his friends, family, and fans. He also found inspiration in other celebrities who had successfully lost weight, such as Drew Carey, Jonah Hill, and Adele. He realized that losing weight was not only good for his health but also for his career and his happiness.

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss journey was not a smooth or linear process. He had ups and downs, successes and failures, but he learned from each experience and kept moving forward. He also learned to be more flexible and adaptable and to find a balance between his work and his personal life. He learned to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

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Health Benefits and Transformations

The positive health outcomes of Gabriel Iglesias’s weight loss are undeniable. He has lost over 100 pounds since he started his journey, and he has improved his blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall well-being. He has also reduced his risk of developing serious complications from diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.

But the benefits of Gabriel Iglesias’s weight loss are not only physical. They are also mental and emotional. He has gained more confidence, self-esteem, and happiness. He has become more energetic, creative, and productive. He has also become more positive, optimistic, and grateful. He has learned to appreciate himself more and to love himself more.

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss is not only based on anecdotal evidence. It is also backed by scientific research and medical expert opinions. According to Dr. Oz, a renowned cardiologist and TV personality, Gabriel Iglesias’s weight loss is “one of the most impressive transformations I’ve ever seen”. Dr. Oz praised Gabriel Iglesias for his dedication and discipline, and for using a holistic approach that involved diet, exercise, meditation, therapy, and humor.

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Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss Tips

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss journey is not only inspiring but also informative. He has shared valuable tips and lessons from his experience that can help anyone who wants to start their own weight loss journey. Here are some of them:

Start small and be realistic.

Don’t try to lose too much weight too fast or follow extreme diets or workouts that are unsustainable or unhealthy. Set realistic goals and celebrate every achievement.

Find what works for you.

Don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach or copy what others are doing. Experiment with different methods and find what suits your preferences, needs, and lifestyle.

Make it fun and enjoyable.

Don’t see weight loss as a punishment or a chore. See it as an opportunity to improve yourself and your life. Find activities that you enjoy doing and foods that you like eating that are also good for you.

Get support and accountability.

Don’t try to do it alone or isolate yourself from others. Seek help from professionals, such as nutritionists, trainers, or therapists. Join a community of people who share your goals and challenges. Reach out to your friends, family, or fans for encouragement and feedback. Click here to join a community

Use humor as a coping mechanism.

Don’t take yourself too seriously or stress too much about your weight or your progress. Laugh at yourself and your mistakes. Use humor as a way to relieve tension and anxiety.

Be patient and persistent.

Don’t expect instant results or give up easily when you face difficulties or plateaus. Remember that weight loss is a long-term process that requires time, effort, and consistency.

Be kind and compassionate to yourself.

Don’t be too hard on yourself or judge yourself harshly. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and accept yourself as you are. Forgive yourself and learn from your failures. Praise yourself and reward yourself for your efforts.

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Inspiration and Impact on Gabriel Iglesias Weight Loss

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss story has had a huge impact on his fans and on the public in general. He has inspired millions of people to start their own weight loss journeys or to pursue their own goals and dreams. He has also raised awareness and understanding about the challenges and struggles of losing weight and living with diabetes.

He has received countless messages and comments from individuals who have been motivated by his journey. Some of them have shared their own stories of how they have lost weight, improved their health, or changed their lives thanks to his example. Some of them have thanked him for saving their lives or for giving them hope and courage.

Gabriel Iglesias has also encouraged his fans to find their own sources of motivation and inspiration. He has advised them to look for role models, mentors, or heroes who can guide them and inspire them. He has also suggested they look within themselves, and find their own reasons, values, and passions that can drive them and empower them.


Gabriel Iglesias weight loss journey is one of the most remarkable and inspiring stories of our time. He has shown us that weight loss is possible, achievable, and beneficial with dedication and effort. He has also shown us that weight loss is not only about losing pounds, but also about gaining health, happiness, and fulfillment.

His weight loss journey is not over yet. He is still working on his goals and improving himself every day. He is still facing challenges and overcoming them with humor and resilience. He is still sharing his journey with his fans and inspiring them with his wisdom and generosity.

Gabriel Iglesias weight loss journey is a journey that we can all learn from and join. It is a journey that can help us start our own journeys with newfound motivation. It is a journey that can make us all better versions of ourselves.

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If you found this article helpful and are interested in other celebrity weight loss journeys, you might want to check out our blog post on Jorge Garcia’s Weight Loss Journey, where he managed to lose 100 pounds, also Kevin James’ Weight Loss Journey, where he managed to lose 80 pounds.

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